The Distillerie de Soligny was founded in 2020 by Véronique and Vincent Godier whose family has been cereal growers for several generations. Trained as agricultural engineers and winegrowers in Burgundy, the couple became distillers in Champagne. The distillery is equipped with an Istill still (the perfect mix between Thermomix and Tesla) of 2000 liters. Brewing, fermentation and distillation are carried out continuously in the same production tool. The first drops of distillate flowed in September 2020. The Soligny distillery uses only new French oak barrels or barrels that have contained French wines. The idea is to produce a terroir brandy, inspired by the diversity and precision of each parcel of land, just like the greatest wines of Burgundy and Champagne. This idea is enriched by the spirit of the countryside, close to the people, close to nature.
Website : www.solignywhisky.fr
Categories : Whisky, Grand Est, Pur malt