Between the Palais de Papes in Avignon and the Chartreuse of Villeneuve-lez-Avignon, which brought together in the 14th century the famous bridge of Avignon of its 21 arches, the Barthelasse is the largest fluvial island of Europe and conceals a soil of sand and silt, swept by the mistral, conducive to the cultivation of an exceptional Williams pear, sip of the sun of Provence.
It was there, in the 1940s, that Claude Manguin, a talented agronomist and son of the painter Henri Manguin (one of the founders of Fauvism alongside Matisse, Marquet, Camoin, Braque), planted several dozen acres of pear trees and peach. He then cultivates fruits of excellence which supply the most famous fine groceries. In 1957, the stills began to distil in order to concentrate in eaux-de-vie the superb aromas of the Manguin fruits: "the Pear Manguin" became a brandy of Poire Williams fleuron present on the great gastronomic tables in France as internationally.
The Manguin distillery was taken over in March 2011 by Emmanuel and Béatrice Hanquiez: they undertook a renovation of the site and the production tool, a new dynamic of innovation without compromising on quality.
Website : www.manguin.com
Categories : Gin, Vodka, Eau-de-vie de fruit, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Apéritif, Pastis, Rhum traditionnel, Spécialité